III – Be

Situational Awareness: Spiritual Self-Defense

Satan, also known as the devil, is real. Not only does the Bible make that clear, simply reading and watching everyday news of horrific terrorism and crimes of every sort is convincing proof that the devil’s work of motivating people to commit pure evil is rampant in the world.

The second element of the five SemperVerus components is AWARE, which means giving keen scrutiny to being diligently vigilant to your surroundings. It says:

II. Aware: heightening attentiveness to be alert to—and anticipate—dangerous potentialities and temptations, as well as edifying opportunities.

Being AWARE plus the sum total of the other four SemperVerus principles cultivates the strategic and tactical element of SELF-DEFENSE, which is the intelligent ability to responsibly protect yourself from menacing spiritual and physical threats.

Notice the inclusion of the spiritual aspect that is often overlooked when considering self-defense. In fact, in many ways spiritual threats are more dangerous than physical perils. “Our fight is not against human beings. It is against the rulers, the authorities and the powers of this dark world. It is against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly world” (Ephesians 6:12).

The Importance of Being Civil and Polite

The third element of the five SemperVerus components is BE, which emphasizes the importance of intentionally reinforcing rectitude in yourself. It’s stated thusly:

III. Be: developing rich personal leadership character of exemplary moral and ethical quality.

The 18th-century German philosopher Immanuel Kant put it this way: “It is not necessary that while I live, I live happily; but it is necessary that so long as I live, I should live honorably.”

In his article, Why Politeness and Etiquette Matter, blogger Scott Monty references the handbook George Washington wrote when he was only a teenager titled, Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation. Washington’s final rule is a guiding light for all of us, “Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience.”

[ Read the SemperVerus article, 10 Lessons From Benjamin Franklin’s Daily Schedule ]

Monty’s list of reasons why being civil is vital to a life well lived is because it fuels:

Self-Awareness Is Part of Situational Awareness

Whenever we get the chance, we remind you that the name SemperVerus is Latin for Stay True and its foundation is the Bible verse 1 Timothy 4:16 (NLT) — “Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you.”

[ Read SemperVerus articles on the subject of Situational Awareness ]

In his article, Leadership and Self-Awareness…, Dr. James Scott, Jr., says, “Sin is humanity’s great problem, but a wholesale lack of self-awareness…is a leading contributor to the problems and troubles we create for ourselves. We hurtle through life more unconscious of our own selves, and the lives of others, than sharply aware and purposely alert.”

Components of a Strong Mindset for the Legally Armed Citizen

Components of a Strong Mindset for the Armed Citizen by ConcealedCarry.comThe website ConcealedCarry.com is a rich resource of information that helps guide legally armed people in the responsible practice of carrying concealed a defensive firearm.

One example is the article, Developing and Understanding A Strong Defensive Mindset, by Jacob Paulsen, president of ConcealedCarry.com, and its accompanying “mindset” chart.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, How Does Your Character Measure Up? ]

Mindset is defined as the established set of attitudes each of us hold; the general frame of reference through which we observe life, interpret it, and make trivial and serious decisions in response to what we encounter every day.

Click the chart to enlarge it, scan the key points of it below, read the entire article at ConcealedCarry.com, and be sure to read the SemperVerus articles below.