Video: Let Your Conscience By Your Guide
The name SemperVerus® is Latin for Stay True. It’s based on the Bible verse 1 Timothy 4:16 (NLT) — “Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you.”
[ Read SemperVerus articles on the subject of BE ]
The third element of the five SemperVerus components is BE, which emphasizes the importance of prioritizing integrity, honesty, and general uprightness in your life. It reads:
III. Be: developing rich personal leadership character of exemplary moral and ethical quality.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Secure Your Base (Your Soul) ]
The fifth element of the five SemperVerus components is DO, the working out in your everyday life of the first four qualities. It reads:
V. Do: resolving to intentionally and skillfully act to accomplish positive and fruitful outcomes.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, The Door of Leadership Swings on the Hinge of Character ]
In the decisions we face every moment of every day, we stay true when we follow the Holy Spirit in our lives and keep the SemperVerus Brotherhood/Sisterhood virtues front-and-center in our mind: