Latest Biblical Archaeology Research

The Bible is a collection of 66 ancient books written over a period of 1,600 years by about 40 different authors from various countries and cultures. The authors included shepherds, fishermen, soldiers, and farmers. One was a Gentile physician and another was a Jewish rabbi. They wrote about controversial subjects, such as the origin of the universe, the purpose of life, the destiny of humanity, and the way of salvation from the judgment of God. With all that diversity, the cohesion and agreement about these subjects are remarkable and life-changing.

[ Read the Bible on Bible Gateway ]

Written centuries ago, the Bible’s message remains relevant today. Its historical veracity is repeatedly proven through archaeological discoveries that corroborate the existence and influence of locations, governments, and people mentioned in Scripture.

[ Read Bible verses that present the Good News of life through faith in Jesus Christ ]

What follows is a collection of the latest biblical archaeology and historical research that confirms the Bible’s credibility.

[ Read Why Biblical Archaeology Is Important for Your Bible Reading: An Interview with Randall Price ]

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The Book & The Spade

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Solving Mystery, Archaeologists Find Vast Moat That Protected Jerusalem’s Biblical Kings (July 2024)
The Times of Isarel
Israel Antiquities Authority
Read about the Millo in the ESV Reformation Study Bible on Bible Gateway

Rare 4,000-Year-Old Artifact Mentioned in the Bible 25 Times Is Discovered in Israel’s ‘Cave of Skulls’ (July 2024)
Daily Mail
Israel Antiquities Authority

Newly Found Assyrian Camp Supports Epic Biblical Account, Expert Says (June 2024)
Fox News

Key Events in the Bible, Such as the Settlement and Destruction of Jerusalem, Confirmed Using Radiocarbon Dating (May 2024)
Live Science

Stretch of Wall in Ancient Jerusalem Vindicates the Bible’s Account, Archaeologists Claim (May 2024)
Daily Mail

Israeli Research Uses Earth’s Magnetic Field to Verify Event in Bible’s Book of Kings (January 2024)
The Jerusalem Post

The Bible Got It Right, Israeli Tech Again Confirms (January 2024)
Israel Today

Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2023 (December 2023)

Top Ten Biblical Archaeology Stories of 2023 (December 2023)
Biblical Archaeology Society

Amazing Biblical-Era Discoveries From the Holy Land in 2023 (December 2023)
Fox News

Unique Byzantine Psalm Inscription in New Testament Greek Discovered in Judean Desert (September 2023)
The Times of Israel

Americans Hostile Toward God Still Value Biblical Behavior, Report Says (September 2023)
American Bible Society

Pool of Siloam Steps, Where Jesus Walked and Healed the Blind Man, Are Unearthed (September 2023)
The Jerusalem Post

How Archaeology Affirmed the Historic Stature of a Biblical King (July 2023)

Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2022 (December 2022)

Israel Acquires Ancient Papyrus Containing Hebrew Inscription of Biblical Name Ishmael (September 2022)
CBN News
Read about Ishmael in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read about Ishmael in the New International Encyclopedia of Bible Characters

In First, Ivory Panels Mentioned in Bible Found in Jerusalem (September 2022)
Read Bible passages about ivory on Bible Gateway
Read about Solomon’s throne in the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary of the Old Testament

Mysterious Script of Biblical Elam Is Deciphered After 5,000 Years (August 2022)
Read about Elam in the Encyclopdia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read about the sons of Shem in the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary of the Old Testament

First Known Depictions of Biblical Heroines Jael and Deborah Uncovered in Israel (July 2022)
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Excavations by Carolina Archaeologist Reveal First Known Depictions of Two Biblical Heroines, Episode in Ancient Jewish Art
Read about Deborah and Jael in the New International Encyclopedia of Bible Characters

Earliest Mention of ‘Yahweh’ Found in Archaeological Dump (March 2022)
Read about Mount Ebal in Deuteronomy on Bible Gateway

Evidence of ‘Biblical Giants’ Found in Northern Israel (February 2022)
The Jerusalem Post

Archaeological Evidence for the Kingdom of Judah (February 2022)
Answers in Genesis

The Bible’s Accuracy Vindicated… Again (January 2022)

Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2021 (December 2021)

Archaeologists Find Evidence of Biblical Earthquake (December 2021)
Lifeway Research
Read Zechariah 14:5 on Bible Gateway

How Archaeologists Are Finding the Signatures of Bible Kings, Ancient Villains, and Maybe a Prophet (November 2021)
Read about Jeremiah on Bible Gateway

Unearthing Astonishing Evidence of an Advanced Society in the Time of the Biblical Solomon (November 2021)
Smithsonian Magazine
Read about Solomon on Bible Gateway

Biblical Warfare: How Did the Assyrians Conquer Judean Lachish? (November 2021)
The Jerusalem Post
Read about Assyria in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read about Lachish in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Is Archaeology Proving the Bible? (October 2021)

Sodom Destroyed by Meteor, Scientists Say. Biblical Archaeologists Not Convinced. (September 2021)
Read about Sodom in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read about Gomorrah in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Stone Cold Sting: Ancient Jerusalem Weight Points to a 2,700-Year-Old Hustle (September 2021)
The Times of Israel
Read Proverbs 11:1 on Bible Gateway
Read Hosea 12:7 on Bible Gateway

Archaeologists Find Tangible Proof of Biblical Catastrophe (August 2021)
Israel Hayom
Read Amos 1:1 on Bible Gateway
Read Zechariah 14:5 on Bible Gateway

Are There Archeological Scientific Discoveries That Affirm the Bible’s Historical Accuracy? (July 2021)
Reasons to Believe

Where Did the Biblical Road From Judea to Edom Pass? Experts Find Answers (July 2021)
The Jerusalem Post
Read about Judea in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read about Edom in 2 Kings 3 on Bible Gateway

3,000-Year-Old Inscription Bearing Name of Biblical Judge Found in Israel (July 2021)
The Jerusalem Post
Read about Jerub-Baal in the book of Judges on Bible Gateway
Read about Jerub-Baal in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Biblical-Era Egyptian Stele Discovered By Farmer (June 2021)
The Jerusalem Post

Dead Sea Scrolls: 2,000 Years Ago Jews Used Biblical ‘Paperbacks’ (June 2021)
The Jerusalem Post

Arrowhead From Biblical Battle Discovered in Goliath’s Hometown (June 2021)
Live Science
Read 2 Kings 12:17 on Bible Gateway
Read about Goliath in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read about Gath in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

Died: Eilat Mazar, Nonreligious Archaeologist Who Believed the Bible (May 2021)

Scientists Resurrect Mysterious Judean Date Palms From Biblical Era (May 2021)
Read about dates in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Was King Solomon the Ancient World’s First Shipping Magnate? (April 2021)
The Guardian
Read about Solomon in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

How Old Are the Dead Sea Scrolls? Carbon-Dating Project to Offer Answers (April 2021)
The Jerusalem Post

Israel Uncovers 3,500-Year-Old Inscription from Biblical Canaan (April 2021)
The Jerusalem Post
Read about Canaan in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

2,000-Year-Old Biblical Texts Discovered in Israel, First Since Dead Sea Scrolls (March 2021)
Bible Gateway Blog

Discovery of Biblical ‘Toilet’ Unleashes Archaeological Fracas in Israel (March 2021)
Read about Lachish in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Rare Purple Dye Discovered in 3,000-Year-Old Fabric (January 2021)
Courthouse News Service
The Times of Israel: Ancient Cloth With Bible’s Purple Dye Found in Israel, Dated to King David’s Era
See mentions of the word “purple” throughout the Bible
Read the entry about “purple” in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Ritual Bath Unearthed at Site Where Judas Betrayed Jesus (January 2021)
Live Science

Dance Floor Where John the Baptist Was Condemned to Death Discovered, Archaeologist Says (January 2021)
Live Science
Read the story of John the Baptist in Matthew 14 on Bible Gateway

Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2020 (December 2020)

Jesus’ Crucifixion, a Cursed King and Mysterious Giant Mounds: Top Biblical Archaeology Stories of 2020 (December 2020)

8th Century BC Clay Seal Impression Used at the Court of the Bible’s King Jeroboam II the Earliest Writing Found in Israel (December 2020)
The Times of Israel
Read about King Jeroboam II in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Where Are the Other Fake Fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls? (December 2020)

King David-Era Fort Found in Golan, May Be First Evidence of Bible’s ‘Geshurites’ (November 2020)
The Times of Israel
Read about Geshur in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Israeli Archaeologists Find Ancient Biblical Weight from First Temple Period in Jerusalem (October 2020)
CBN News
Read about the Temple in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Archaeologists May Have Deduced Exactly How Big a Biblical ‘Handbreadth’ Is (October 2020)
Read the entry for “handbreadth” in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Modern Forensics Offers Clues in a 2,600-Year-Old Biblical Mystery (September 2020)
CBS News

Rare Remains of a Royal Structure from the Time of the Kings of Judah Found in an Excavation in Jerusalem (September 2020)
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Israel MFA YouTube Channel
Read about the Babylonian Exile in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Archaeologists Find Assyrian Siege Ramp at Biblical City of Azekah (August 2020)
Read about Azekah in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Israel’s Rare Artifacts from the Ancient Biblical City of Be’er Sheva (August 2020)
Ancient Origins
Read about Beersheba in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

3,000-Year-Old Biblical-Era Fortress Uncovered in Israel (August 2020)
World Israel News
Read the book of Judges on Bible Gateway

Could Archaeology and Modern Medicine Help Validate the Bible? (July 2020)
The Jerusalem Post
Read about King Nebuchadnezzar in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Key Site From Biblical Kings’ Hezekiah and Menashe (Manasseh) Time (8th–7th Century BC) Unveiled Near US Embassy in Jerusalem (July 2020)
The Jerusalem Post
Read about King Hezekiah and King Manasseh in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Largest Evangelical Archaeology Program Finds New Home in Nashville (July 2020)

Jerusalem vs. Tel Aviv and the Battle Over Israel’s Biblical Archeology (July 2020)
The Jerusalem Post

Biblical-Era Seal Shows Jerusalem Status in Persian Period (June 2020)
The Jerusalem Post
Jerusalem during the Persian period is described in the biblical accounts of Ezra and Nehemiah, as well as the prophets Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi

Infamous Old Testament Site May Have Been Discovered by Archaeologists (June 2020)
Facts & Trends
Read 1 Kings 21 and 2 Kings 9 on Bible Gateway

Bird Study Backs Bible: Pigeons, Doves Sacrificed in Ancient Jerusalem (June 2020)
The Jerusalem Post

Biblical Winery Belonging to Naboth the Jezreelite Believed to Be Found (June 2020)
World Israel News
Read 1 Kings 21 (NIV and NKJV in parallel) on Bible Gateway

Turns Out 4 ‘Blank’ Dead Sea Scrolls Actually Have Text (May 2020)

Rare Figurines Uncovered at Lost Biblical City (April 2020)
The Lighthouse
Read about Baal in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Ends Largest Evangelical Archaeology Program (April 2020)

Bible Museum Criticism ‘Was Justified,’ Founder Says (April 2020)
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, World’s Largest Museum of the Bible Now Open
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, The Bible’s Beautiful Story Line: An Interview with Steve Green

Hebrew University Archaeologists Reveal an Alphabet Letter (Samekh) Carved on Biblical Era Jar (February 2020)
Jewish Press
Read about the city of Lachish in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Linguistic Hints to the Age of the Hebrew Bible (February 2020)
Biblical Archaeology Review

‘Royal Estate’ That Served Biblical Kings Such as Omri and Ahab Found in Northern Israel (January 2020)
Read about Omri and Ahab in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Biblical History in Broken Jars: Why the Bible “Sweats” the Details (January 2020)

The 10 Most Interesting Biblical Discoveries of 2019 (January 2020)
Keep The Faith

LISTEN: At Shiloh, Archaeologist Finds Artifacts Hinting at Biblical Tabernacle (January 2020)
The Times of Israel

Discovery of 3,000-Year-Old Inscription Reveals Biblical Name (January 2020)
Azusa Pacific University

Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2019 (December 2019)

From Jesus’ Time: The 10 Most Interesting Biblical Discoveries of 2019 (December 2019)

Inscription Uncovered in 2010 Keeps Shedding Light on Bible History (December 2019)
La Sierra News

Bible-Era Temple Found Near Jerusalem May Be Linked to Ark of the Covenant (December 2019)

2,000-Year-Old Walkway Possibly Commissioned by Pontius Pilate Discovered in Jerusalem (October 2019)

Digging for the Bible: 10 Key Discoveries from the Holy Land (September 2019)
BBC HistoryExtra

Biblical Shipwreck Discovery? Anchor from St. Paul’s Shipwreck Identified, Researchers Claim (September 2019)
Fox News
Read about Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27:27-28:5 on Bible Gateway
Read about ships in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read about Paul in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Did Egyptians Trigger a Mysterious Biblical Kingdom to Innovate 3,000 Years Ago? (September 2019)
Live Science
The Times of Israel: Bible-Era Nomadic Edomite Tribesmen Were Actually Hi-Tech Copper Mavens
Read about Edom in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Archaeologists Say They May Have Solved the Mystery Surrounding the Location of the Biblical Town of Emmaus (September 2019)
Read about Emmaus in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Rare Jewel Found on Mt. Zion Reveals Biblical Babylonian Destruction of Jerusalem (August 2019)
CNN: Archaeologists find evidence of Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem—as told in the Bible
Read 2 Kings 25 on Bible Gateway
Read Daniel 1:1-2 on Bible Gateway
Read about the Babylonian empire in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Staircase of 3500 Years Old Biblical Palace Revealed in Tel Hazor (July 2019)
The Jerusalem Post
Read about Hazor in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read Joshua 11:10-13 on Bible Gateway

Bible Town of Ziklag, Where David Hid from King Saul, Discovered in Southern Israel (July 2019)
The Times of Israel
CBN News: Experts Say They’ve Found the Place Where David Took Refuge From King Saul
Israel Antiquities Authority Official Channel video
Read about Ziklag in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Ancient DNA May Reveal Origin of the Philistines (July 2019)
National Geographic
Read about the Philistines in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

1,600-Year-Old Biblical Mosaic Discovered in Israel, Sheds Light on Ancient Judaism (July 2019)
Fox News
Read Exodus 15:27 on Bible Gateway
Read about Elim in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Israeli Soldiers Discover 3,000-Year-Old Biblical-Era Watchtower Possibly from King Hezekiah’s Reign (June 2019)
Fox News
Read about King Hezekiah in the Encyclopedia of The Bible on Bible Gateway

Underwater Fortress Found: Ancient Fort Linked to Bloody Biblical Battles in the Book of Maccabees Found Off Coast of Israel (June 2019)
Ancient Origins
Read the Book of Maccabees on Bible Gateway

Archaeology Confirms the Bible’s Details (May 2019)

Biblical King Balak Was ‘Very Likely’ a Historical Figure, Ancient Stone Tablet Reveals (May 2019)
Read about Balak in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Major Archaeological Discovery Puts Biblical Excavators at Odds with Israeli Highway Construction (April 2019)
CBN News
Read about Isaiah in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read about Hezekiah in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Archaeologist: Thick Wall Found at Lachish Indicates King Solomon’s Son Built It (April 2019)
The Times of Israel
Read about Lachish in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read 2 Chronicles 11 on Bible Gateway

Tiny First Temple Find Could Be First Proof of Aide to Biblical King Josiah (March 2019)
The Times of Israel
Read 2 Kings 23:11 on Bible Gateway
Read about Nathan-Melech in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read about King Josiah in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

World’s Longest Salt Cave Discovered Close to Where the Bible Says Lot’s Wife was Turned into Pillar of Salt (March 2019)
The Independent
Read Genesis 19:26 on Bible Gateway
Read about salt in the Encyclopedia of The Bible on Bible Gateway

Archaeologists May Have Found the Old Testament City of Ai (February 2019)
Breaking Israel News
Read about Ai in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

‘This is Not Mythology’: Archaeologists Dig Up the Bible at Ancient City of Shiloh (January 2019)
CBN News

Top Ten Discoveries in Biblical Archaeology in 2018 (January 2019)
Associates for Biblical Research

Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2018 (December 2018)

Archaeologists Shed New Light on Biblical Site Linked to the Ark of the Covenant (December 2018)
FOX News
Read about the Ark of the Covenant in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read about Kiriath-Jearim in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway
Read 1 Samuel 7:1 on Bible Gateway

Dig Continues to Confirm Bible’s Accuracy (December 2018)
AG News

Ring Possibly of Pontius Pilate Found Near Bethlehem (November 2018)
The Times of Israel
Read about Pontius Pilate in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Archaeological Discovery: Stone Weight (Beka) Mentioned in Bible Found in Jerusalem (November 2018)
The Times of Israel
Read “beka” in Genesis 24:22 and Exodus 38:26 on Bible Gateway
Read about Weights and Measures in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

2,000-Year-Old Stone Inscription Dating to the First Century Ad—the Time of Jesus—Is the Oldest Record of the Full Name of Jerusalem (October 2018)
Israel Museum

Did Archaeologists Find First Ever Evidence of Biblical Exodus? (October 2018)
Breaking Israel News
Read the book of Exodus on Bible Gateway

Water Into Wine: Archaeologists May Have Uncovered Site of Jesus’ First Miracle (September 2018)
Read the story of Jesus’ first miracle in John 2 on Bible Gateway
Read the story of Jesus’ first miracle in John 2 on Bible Gateway
Read about Cana in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

Mind-Blowing 1,600-Year-Old Biblical Mosaics Paint New Picture of Galilean Life (July 2018)
The Times of Israel
National Geographic: Biblical ‘Spies’ Revealed in 1,500-Year-Old Mosaic

Archaeologists Uncover Gate to Biblical City of Zer (Bethsaida) (July 2018)
The Jerusalem Post
Read about Zer in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read about Bethsaida in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read about Bethsaida in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

A Brief Sample of Archaeology Corroborating the Claims of the New Testament (June 2018)
Cold-Case Christianity with J. Warner Wallace
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, God’s Crime Scene: An Interview with J. Warner Wallace

A 3,000-Year-Old Glass Head Deepens One of the Bible’s Oldest Mysteries (June 2018)
The Washington Post
Live Science: A Face from the Bible May Appear in This Tiny Sculpture
Smithsonian: Could This Sculpted Head Depict a Little-Known Biblical King?
Read about King Ahab, King Hazael, and King Ethbaal in the Encyclopedia of the Bible on Bible Gateway

How Jesus Died: Rare Evidence of Roman Crucifixion Found (June 2018)
Live Science
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Was Jesus’ Death on the Cross Faked?

Despite Disappointing Some, New Mark Manuscript Is Earliest Yet (May 2018)
Read the Gospel of Mark on Bible Gateway

Ancient Biblical Coins Discovered From Around the Period of Time Described in Ezra and Nehemiah (May 2018)
Facts & Trends
Read the book of Ezra on Bible Gateway
Read the book of Nehemiah on Bible Gateway

Hidden Text from Deuteronomy and Leviticus Found on ‘Blank’ Dead Sea Scrolls (May 2018)
Live Science

New Archaeological Find Confirms Sophisticated Davidic Kingdom (April 2018)
Breaking Israel News
Read about King David in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

More Christian Women in the USA Believe the Bible is the Word of God Than Their Male Counterparts (April 2018)
Pew Research

Enigmatic Dead Sea Scroll Makes Rare Show in Jerusalem (March 2018)
The Garden Island

Archaeologists Find Evidence Under Jonah’s Tomb of Biblical Assyrian King, Esarhaddon, Who Reigned 681—669 BC (February 2018)
Read about Esarhaddon in 2 Kings 19:37, Isaiah 37:38, and Ezra 4:2 on Bible Gateway
Read about Esarhaddon in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

Is This the Seal of the Prophet Isaiah? (February 2018)
Read about the prophet Isaiah in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read about King Hezekiah in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read the book of Isaiah on Bible Gateway

Previously Unread Manuscripts of the Dead Sea Scrolls Containing Oldest Bible Texts Deciphered by Israeli University (January 2018)
The Nation

A Fragile Biblical Text Gets a Virtual Read (January 2018)
The New York Times

2,700-Year-Old Biblical Rank Confirmed Through Archaeology (January 2018)
The Trumpet
Read 2 Kings 23:8 on Bible Gateway
Read 2 Chronicles 34:8 on Bible Gateway

Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries of 2017 (December 2017)

Jesus in 2017: Biblical Archaeologists Had a Big Year (December 2017)
Live Science

Explorers Claim They’ve Discovered Noah’s Ark From Book of Genesis (December 2017)
Read Genesis 8:4 on Bible Gateway
Read about Aarat in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

5,000-Year-Old Cosmetics & Jewelry Show Rise of Ancient Jericho (December 2017)
National Geographic
Read about Jericho in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read about the destruction of Jericho in Joshua 6 on Bible Gateway

Archaeological Discovery: Biblical City Corinth, Visited by Apostle Paul, Found Underwater (December 2017)
The Guardian
Read about Corinth in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read 1 Corinthians on Bible Gateway
Read 2 Corinthians on Bible Gateway

See other Bible News Roundup weekly posts

Location of Jesus’ Tomb Suggested by Scientific Dating (November 2017)
Baptist Press

Evidence That Demands A Verdict Redux: An Interview with Josh McDowell and Sean McDowell (October 2017)
Bible Gateway Blog post

Archaeologists Uncover ‘Enormous Find’ with Roman-Era Theater-Like Building Beneath Jerusalem’s Western Wall (October 2017)

How This Pristine 15th-Century Hebrew Bible Survived the Inquisition (October 2017)

Second Temple Period Discoveries at Biblical Hebron (September 2017)
Biblical Archaeology Society
Read about Hebron in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
See the Biblical Archaeology section in the Bible Gateway Store

Dozens of Seals Adorned With Biblical Names Found in Jerusalem (September 2017
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Interview: Bible Scholar Confirms 50 Real People in the Bible

Biologists Analyze 900-Year-Old Gospel of Luke (August 2017)
Baptist Press

Cave Could Be Source of Stone Jars Whose Water Jesus Turned Into Wine (August 2017)
Read John 2 on Bible Gateway
Read about Cana in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

Is This Unearthed Fishing Village the Birthplace of Three of Jesus’ Disciples? (August 2017)
Read John 1:44 and 12:21 on Bible Gateway
Read about Bethsaida from Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

Canaanite DNA Story Misreported By Science Reporters (July 2017)
Evolution News & Science Today
AskDrBrown: Do New DNA Discoveries Really Disprove the Bible?
Read about Canaanites in Easton’s Bible Dictionary on Bible Gateway

Ancient Egyptian Records Indicate Philistines Weren’t Aegean Pirates After All (July 2017)
Read about the Philistines in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

Experts Hunt for Biblical Tabernacle that Housed the Ark of the Covenant (July 2017)
FOX News
Read about the tabernacle in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read about Shiloh in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

Research: Shroud of Turin ‘Stained With Blood From Torture Victim’ (July 2017)
The Independent
See books about the Shroud of Turin in the Bible Gateway Store

With Bibles and Shovels, a Search for the Biblical Tabernacle Gathers Pace at Shiloh (July 2017)
The Times of Israel
Read Exodus 25 on Bible Gateway
Read about the tabernacle in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read about Shiloh in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

Biblical Account of Gezer’s Destruction Gains Ground with Torched Skeleton Finds (July 2017)
The Times of Israel
Read the article about Gezer in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read 1 Kings 9:15-17 on Bible Gateway

Archaeologist Uncovers Clues Pointing Towards Evidence of Naboth’s Vineyard (July 2017)
Breaking Israel News
Read 1 Kings 21 on Bible Gateway
Read about Naboth in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

Oldest Mosaic of Bible’s Jonah Found in Galilee (July 2017)
World Israel News
Read the book of Jonah on Bible Gateway
Read about Jonah in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

One of the Most Important Buildings in Christianity’s History Discovered Off Scottish Coast (July 2017)

Archaeologists Discover 2,000-Year-Old Evidence of Jerusalem’s Destruction (May 2017)
CBN News
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Interview: Bible Scholar Confirms 50 Real People in the Bible

Dictionary of Christianity and Science: Biblical Chronology (May 2017)
Bible Gateway Blog post

53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically (April 2017)
Biblical Archaeology Review
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Interview: Bible Scholar Confirms 50 Real People in the Bible

Found: Fresh Clues to Mystery of King Solomon’s Mines (April 2017)
National Geographic
Read about King Solomon in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Biblical Archaeology Claim: Seal of Hezekiah Unearthed in Jerusalem
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Biblical Context for the Top Ten Biblical Archaeological Discoveries of 2015

28 New Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments Sold in US (April 2017)
Live Science

Was Jesus’ Death on the Cross Faked? (March 2017)
Bible Gateway Blog post

9 Archaeology Finds That Confirm the New Testament (March 2017)
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Biblical Archaeology Claim: Seal of Hezekiah Unearthed in Jerusalem
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Biblical Context for the Top Ten Biblical Archaeological Discoveries of 2015

Ancient 600 BC Palace of Biblical Assyrian King Sennacherib Discovered (March 2017)
FOX News
Read about King Sennacherib in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

Roman Road from AD 130 Unearthed 19 Miles from Jerusalem; Built Only Decades After New Testament Books Written (March 2017)
Biblical Archaeology Society
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, When Was Each Book of the Bible Written?

2,500 Years Later, Tombs of Esther and Mordecai Still Standing in Iran (March 2017)
Breaking Israel News
Read the book of Esther on Bible Gateway
Read about Esther in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
Read about Mordecai in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway

Why an Incredible New Discovery Proves That the Dead Sea Scrolls Belong to Israel (February 2017)
FOX News
NPR: Archaeologists Excavate 12th Cave They Say Once Housed Dead Sea Scrolls
Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, Jesus and the Culture of His Day: An Interview with Craig A. Evans

Biblical Artifacts Provide Reassurance About Earth’s Magnetic Field (February 2017)
San Diego Union-Tribune
Read 2 Kings 18:1-19 and Isaiah 36-39 on Bible Gateway

Jesus and the Culture of His Day: An Interview with Craig A. Evans (November 2016)
Bible Gateway Blog post

The Case for Christ: An Interview with Lee Strobel (September 2016)
Bible Gateway Blog post

Discovery at 2,800-Year-Old Shrine Reveals Biblical Tale of Desecration of Religious Sites by King Hezekiah (September 2016)
Daily Mail
Read about King Hezekiah in Smith’s Bible Names Dictionary on Bible Gateway
See Bible verse search results for “Hezekiah” on Bible Gateway
Read 2 Kings 10:27 and 2 Kings 18:4 on Bible Gateway

NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible: An Interview with John Walton and Craig Keener (June 2016)
Bible Gateway Blog post

The Cities That Built the Bible: Guest Post by Robert Cargill (March 2016)
Bible Gateway Blog post

Biblical Context for the Top Ten Biblical Archaeological Discoveries of 2015 (January 2016)
Bible Gateway Blog post

Biblical Archaeology Claim: Seal of Hezekiah Unearthed in Jerusalem (December 2015)
Bible Gateway Blog post

The Undeniable Reliability of Scripture: An Interview with Josh McDowell (November 2015)
Bible Gateway Blog post

Biblical Archaeology is in the Air (June 2013)
Bible Gateway Blog post

Lost Fragment of Mark? Healthy Caution About the Latest Biblical Archaeology Claim (May 2012)
Bible Gateway Blog post

‘Tis the Season for Biblical Archaeology (June 2011)
Bible Gateway Blog post

Crucifixion Nails, Noah’s Ark, and the Jesus Tomb: How Should We Respond to Sensational Archaeological Claims? (April 2011)
Bible Gateway Blog post

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