Self-Defense Legal Insurance Options
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, 22 million Americans are legally licensed to publicly carry a firearm in the United States. That doesn’t include those who keep guns strictly in their homes for domestic protection, along with people who open carry or live in one of the more than two dozen states that don’t require licenses.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Survey: Protection Is the Main Reason People Own a Gun ]
Using a firearm to defend against a criminal act that could result in your death or serious bodily injury means you’ll have to deal with the legal aftermath to justify your firearm usage. That’s where purchasing a self-defense insurance program might be helpful.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, The 5 Elements of Self-Defense Law ]
In the broad sense, “self-defense insurance” is basically a membership in an organization that will help connect you with a criminal defense attorney and help pay for legal expenses involved in a court case. As an informational service to you, we’ve compiled the list below of just such entities. Each listing includes a brief statement of the organization’s purpose taken from its website.
Be sure to also see the comparison chart of companies that offer legal defense insurance: Self Defense Concealed Carry Gun Owner Insurance Programs Compared.
You may also want to read Gun University’s article, Best Concealed Carry Insurance [2023]: Written by a Lawyer, GunDigest’s article, 8 On-Target Concealed Carry Insurance Options, and Pew Pew Tactical’s articles, 5 Best Concealed Carry Insurance and Right to Bear Review 2024: Most Worth It “CCW Insurance?”
2nd Amendment Legal Services
“2A Protection, Inc., provides a self-defense prepaid legal services program. Defending yourself and your family from harm is your obligation, defending your right to use that weapon is ours.”
Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network
“Our mission, indeed, our entire focus is the preparation, education and legal defense of Network members who defend themselves and their families, then face unmeritorious prosecution by the criminal justice system.”
Attorneys on Retainer
“Unlike most self-defense plans on the market, the Attorneys On Retainer program is NOT backed by any insurance company. The Attorneys On Retainer program is owned and administered by a law firm. This means we are not required to adhere to the same restrictions and limitations that other insurance-backed programs must follow. The Attorneys On Retainer program is not an insurance plan – it is an attorney/client fee agreement.”
CCW Safe
“CCW Safe evolved out of a desire to offer the general public the same caring, full service that police officers receive when they’ve acted in self-defense in the line of duty. Since 2011, we have worked to extend that care and personal attention to every member that experiences the trauma associated with acting in self-defense to protect yourself and your family.”
Firearms Legal Protection
“You carry a weapon because you believe it is important to protect yourself physically. If you ever have to protect yourself physically, you need to have plan for the legal and financial battle that follows. That’s were we come in.”
Gun Owners Legal Defense Network
“The Gun Owners Legal Defense Network is designed to make gun owners feel comfortable and confident in carrying and using their firearms by offering full legal representation if they are ever charged criminally or civilly, when they are legally carrying or using their weapon.”
Lockton Affinity Outdoor
“As a smart, lawful gun owner, you make gun safety a priority at the range, in the field and in storage. Despite the actions you take to be safe and responsible, there are risks associated with gun ownership. With Lockton Affinity Outdoor’s Personal Firearm Liability Insurance, you receive coverage to help protect against the costs associated with hunting and shooting accidents, accidental discharge, lost or stolen firearms and lawful personal defense.”
Lonestar Firearm Defense
“We help responsible Americans understand and manage the legal process and better afford the sometimes incredible costs of a legal defense that can come when a member lawfully protects self, or family, or friends.”
Right to Bear
“Our mission is to serve our members, partners and RTB team faithfully by making a positive difference daily. First by letting them know we care and second by protecting what they value most- Faith, Family, and Freedom. We are relentless in our efforts of continuous improvement, both personally and professionally, and strive to do things better. by investing in our people and creating a culture of collaboration, selflessness, and grit, we are building a team to protect your team.”
Second Call Defense
“Immediate up-front self-defense legal protection with nothing out of pocket, nothing to repay ever. After calling 911, your second call should be to Second Call Defense for the most comprehensive legal protection for armed self-defense available anywhere. The truth is that what you don’t know can incarcerate you. Second Call Defense was created to defend against both criminal and civil legal threats that may arise simply as the result of exercising your right to self-defense. We provide legal defense protection no matter what you use to defend yourself – a gun, knife, your car, fists, etc.”
“If you’re like us and want to keep your loved ones safe and avoid danger, and you believe in your right to self-defense, the USCCA is for you. The USCCA offers the three things to help you on your journey to confidence and preparedness: Lifesaving Education, Industry-Leading Training, and Self-Defense Liability Insurance.”
US Law Shield
“Our focus is on encouraging people to take proactive measures to improve their safety and self-defense abilities—and to serve those who do. We strive to create better protected communities of responsible self-defenders who have the peace of mind to live their lives confidently.”
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08/24/2024[…] Read the SemperVerus article, Self-Defense Legal Insurance Options […]