Articles with church security

Church Security at Temporary Rental Property: An Interview with Steven Jansen

If you’d like to be interviewed to share best practices of your own church security/safety team, contact SemperVerus by emailing

A church plant is defined as the process of starting a new, local gathering of Christian believers for corporate worship and group edification. Often church plants are sponsored by established churches as a way of reaching people outside of their immediate areas. Church plants usually begin holding weekly services in some type of rental location with the objective of eventually constructing and owning their own facility. The practices of church security in rented space can vary from those in owned property. SemperVerus interviewed Steven Jansen, the leader of a church safety team at a church plant in Michigan.

Why does your church believe it’s important to have a security/safety team?
Our church safety team exists to ensure a safe and secure environment in which our congregation and guests have an opportunity to worship our Lord.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, A Prayer for Church Security Team Members ]

What training do you see as being important for team members?
The Active Violence Incidents training Del Kostanko of Blue Arrow Consultants recently did for us (and has in some form for the last three years) is one of the most important training we do. I believe in his training so much that I would say anyone who has a CPL (Concealed Pistol License) should take his class! * Anyone who has a CPL on our team is also required to go to a group shoot with all of us each year.

Another training that we do is CPR/AED training. We have a meeting every year to go over what we’re supposed to be doing, how to do what we’re supposed to be doing, and go over any changes and improvements we can make.

We have multiple medical first responders who have their own required training outside of church for their state emergency medical license and we have a couple guys involved in CPL classes who have separate training for that as well.

Situational Awareness: What Do You See?

In the above image, do you see a small cube in the center positioned in a room at the corner of two walls and the floor?

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Situational Awareness: What Are You NOT Seeing? ]

Or do you see one large “Rubik’s® Cube”-like cube comprised of seven smaller cubes that’s missing its middle eighth cube?

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Situational Awareness: 14 Ways to Walk Like You Drive ]

Or can you see both?

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Self-Defense and Church Security: Make Scanning Your Priority ]

This is a reminder to hone your situational awareness.

[ Read SemperVerus articles on the topic of Situational Awareness ]

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Protection Book Review: Just 2 Seconds

The book, Just 2 Seconds: Using Time and Space to Defeat Assassins by Gavin de Becker, Tom Taylor, and Jeff Marquart, “examines the previously inviolate rules of protection, then subjects them to rigorous analysis. Will leave protection professionals reevaluating everything they know or thought they knew,” according to Vincent O’Neill, former Special Agent with the US Secret Service.

Gavin de Becker is the founder of Gavin de Becker & Associates (GDBA), a threat assessment and security firm that provides private, corporate, and government protection services and training courses.

While the book is 712 pages long, 570 pages consist of an extensive compendium describing thousands of successful and failed attacks, kidnappings, accidents, medical emergencies, and non-lethal incidents involving at-risk people worldwide over a period of more than 50 years, in addition to eight appendices of protection-related guidelines. Its title refers to the extreme brevity of time during which the average violent attack begins and ends.

The first 142 pages are comprised of five chapters detailing the important protective lessons learned from those events—highlighting 11 precepts that enhance personal safety—and the five essential insights for protectors. These conclusions are practical and proven standards for one’s own self-defense and the protection of others, that can be applied in church security.

The five essential insights for protectors (and individual self-defenders) are Now, Time, Mind, Space, and See. Here are a few excerpts for each one:

Interview with Craig Gray: Developing a Protector’s Lifestyle

SemperVerus interviewed Craig Gray, founder and trainer of, a membership website that teaches simple and effective methods of personal protection and church security, and ways to handle conflict and live confidently. It provides solutions for dealing with conflict and violence, ranging from verbal arguments to physical assaults.

With your extensive background in protective services, martial arts, law enforcement training, and defensive tactics instruction, why did you create
I created our PeaceWalker private online community and training resource to help people who want to learn how to deal with conflict and violence more effectively. Anyone from anywhere in the world can connect with me and this community to learn this simple, effective method of personal defense, leadership, and lifestyle. This resource can be used on its own or in correlation with live in-person training.