I – Prepare

Emergency Preparedness Checklist: Prepping for Beginners

Life is unpredictable. You assume routine living will repeat day after day, but that’s not realistic. The unexpected happens. Change occurs. Emergencies appear. And “normal” is suddenly gone. You need to prepare yourself and your family for whenever an inconvenient new “normal” confronts you.

Common Sense Prepper Rules:

  • You can’t predict what’s going to happen. Don’t get tunnel vision or caught up in whatever people are freaking out about on social media.
  • Data and reason should always win over opinion and impractical ideas.
  • Follow the 80-20 rule to focus on the right things and get the most value.
  • It’s impossible to be 100% prepared for 100% of scenarios.
  • For gear or skills to be useful they must be as simple, practical, and reliable as possible. That means good preps are always ready and double dipping is bad.
  • Prepping should not dominate your life or make it worse. Spend a reasonable amount of time, money, and energy.

Building An Iron Mindset

Your mindset determines how you show up in any given situation. Using these four mental techniques (The Big 4) developed by the US Navy Seals can assist you to build and maintain a strong mind and stay focused on your success to conquer any challenge.

  1. Goal Setting: Goals should be SMART—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time bound—and formed using the WIN method—What’s Important Now
  2. Mental Rehearsal: Visualize in your mind all aspects of a task before entering into it to be better prepared to execute it
  3. Positive Self Talk: Intentionally replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts
  4. Arousal Control: To help stay calm in a chaotic and difficult situation, use Tactical Breathing by inhaling through your nose into your diaphragm 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale out of the diaphragm through the mouth 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds, and repeat. Also perform Progressive Muscle Relaxation by tensing the 4 major muscle groups for 5 seconds, then relaxing them for 5 seconds moving progressively through head and neck, arms and shoulders, chest and back, and legs.

Read this article in full…

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Stranded in Your Car This Winter? Here’s How to Survive

On the USCCA blog, Frank Jastrzembski writes: The US Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration reported that more than 70% of the nation’s roads are located in snowy regions, which receive more than 5 inches of snowfall on average annually. Nearly 70% of the US population lives in this area.

Having a winter survival kit in your vehicle is an essential part of winter travel. Your kit should include the following items:

Here’s What Your Church Safety Team Needs to Do Sunday Morning

Here is a list of killings that have happened at USA churches since 2012:

December 29, 2019: A killer murdered two people during the morning service at West Freeway Church of Christ in Fort Worth, Texas, before he was fatally shot by a volunteer member of the church security team.

November 5, 2017: A killer opened fire at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, killing 26 people and wounding about 20 others. No church security team was in place to stop it.

[ Read the SemperVerus article, Majority of Protestant Churches Plan for Security ]

September 24, 2017: A man killed a woman and wounded six other people at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Nashville, Tennessee.