Significant Six EDC for Self-Defense in Terrorist Times
We live in dangerous times. Not only do we need to protect ourselves from civilian criminals who want to rob us and run, we need to be ready to defend ourselves from trained enemy combatants living among us who are bent on nothing less than killing as many people as possible.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Chart: The Spectrum of Potential Threat Personas in Self-Defense and Church Security ]
They weaponize anything to accomplish their objective, from fashioning everyday items into shrapnel-infested bombs, to renting cars, vans, and trucks with the goal of viciously mowing down pedestrians, whether in broad daylight or during night-time celebrations.
[ Read articles in the SemperVerus category of SITUATIONAL AWARENESS ]
With that in mind, we should reconsider what our basic Every Day Carry (EDC) items should consist of to properly be prepared for possible violent threats as we go about our daily activity. SemperVerus suggests these Significant Six categories as fundamental to bear in mind:
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Concealed Carry Daily Prayer ]
- Lethal: firearms, knives, etc.
- Non-lethal: pepper spray, etc.
- Medical: tourniquet, chest seals, pressure dressing, Z-fold gauze, etc.
- Illumination: tactical flashlight, etc.
- Communication: cellphone, etc.
- Utility: driver’s license, concealed pistol license, keys, etc.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Checklist: Categories and Their Items for Every Day Carry (EDC) ]
Retired police officer Greg Ellifritz writes on his Active Response Training blog, “The common street criminal knows that if you draw a firearm to defend yourself you probably won’t shoot him if he breaks off the attack and flees. That’s one of the reasons we seldom see citizens being “undergunned” when carrying a snub-nose revolver or small auto pistol during a street attack.
“These guys are different. If you intervene in one of these attacks, the terrorists are not going to break contact. They will fight until either you or they are dead.
“I’ve written numerous articles about how I feel comfortable carrying a small snub revolver in my low crime neighborhood. No more. You may not be dealing with the lone crackhead robber anymore. If you have to fight against multiple motivated terrorists armed with explosives and long guns, your .38 snub is the wrong tool for the job.
“I would suggest that from this point forward, you shouldn’t leave the house without a medium to full-sized auto pistol and at least one spare magazine. Practice your long range pistol shooting as well.”
Also read Greg Ellifritz’ article, 10 Tips for Surviving a Terrorist Vehicle Attack.
How will you reassess your EDC?
[ Get the SemperVerus booklet, The Case for Biblical Self-Defense ]
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