Directory: Informative Free Email Newsletters From a Variety of Sources
- SemperVerus: enter your email address in the webpage box to receive notifications of new posts about self-defense, church security, 2nd Amendment, and personal development news and information.
- Active Response Training: practical self-defense articles by a retired cop.
- Active Self Protection: use-of-force video analyses to help people develop protective Attitudes, Skills, and Plans.
- American Handgunner: handgun news and information.
- BULLETin: 2nd Amendment news.
- AmmoLand: firearms and gun rights news.
- Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network: interviews, articles, and commentary on self-defense and the 2nd Amendment.
[ Read the SemperVerus article, Chart: The Spectrum of Potential Threat Personas in Self-Defense and Church Security ]
- Bearing Arms: firearms news in the media.
- Bible Gateway: news, information, and devotionals about the Bible.
- Building Shooters: training information for firearms instructors.
- Carry Options: concealed carry information.
- CCW Safe: self-defense legal information.
- Christian Warrior Training: regular updates on the latest best practices and techniques for church security.
- Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms: gun rights and 2nd Amendment news.
- Concealed Nation: self-defense news.
- Crime Prevention Research Center: crime research and gun rights news.
- Defensive Training International—John Farnam Quips: defense observations on current events.
- Defensive Use of Firearms (DUF Digest): a comprehensive examination of the practicalities and realities of the use of firearms for defensive purposes (and a free, daily digest of firearm-related news). Subscribe at this list server site.
- Enjoy Life Safely: simple steps and strategies for staying safe in a dangerous world.
- The Firearm Blog: all things firearm related.
- Firearms News: guns and gear news.
[ See the SemperVerus article, Firearms Training: A Directory of Shooting Drills ]
- A Girl & A Gun: blog posts about self-defense.
- Grossman On Truth: articles by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman that equip readers with mental tools to enable resiliency in the face of adversity.
- Gun Culture 2.0: commentary about gun matters.
- GunDigest: news and information about firearms.
- Gun Facts: crime and gun usage research.
- Gun Owners of America: alerts about important matters in the 2nd Amendment world.
- The Gun Writer: articles about guns and the gun community.
- International Defensive Pistol Association: articles about self-defense and shooting competition.
- Knife Rights: knife-related news and information.
- The Law of Self-Defense: use-of-force legal analysis of current criminal incidents.
- Lucky Gunner Lounge: a hub for education, entertainment, and discussion on shooting topics.
[ See the SemperVerus article, A Directory of Medical Kit Resources ]
- The Mag Life Blog: firearms news and information.
- Massad Ayoob on Guns: subscribe to self-defense expert Massad Ayoob’s blog to receive email notifications for new posts.
- Mountain Tactical Institute BETA newsletter: fitness training tips, research updates, videos, and articles.
- NRA Blog: gun-related news and information.
- NRA-ILA: gun rights news.
- NRA Publications: individually focused newsletters about firearms.
- OffGrid: prepping news, DIY guides, gear reviews, and survival strategies.
- Open Source Defense: gun rights news and information.
- Open Source Intelligence: a round-up of personal security information by former CIA protective-programs employee, Steve Tarani.
[ See the SemperVerus article, Emergency Preparedness Resource Links ]
- PeaceWalker [Almost] Daily Newsletter: stories of living a Protector Lifestyle. Get it free when you register for the free home study mini course.
- Personal Defense: self-defense articles.
- Personal Defense Network: self-defense training tips.
- Personal Defense World: self-defense news and information.
- Pew Pew Tactical: guns and gear information.
- for teachers and students of the pistol.
- Rangemaster: firearms training information.
- Recoil: self-defense news and information.
- The Reload: articles on under-reported aspects of gun ownership in America.
[ See the SemperVerus Directory of Firearm Podcasts & Video Channels ]
- Safariland Blog: firearms news and information.
- Second Amendment Foundation: gun rights and 2nd Amendment news.
- Sheepdog Church Security: church safety news, information, and analysis.
- Shoot-On: news updates for shooting enthusiasts.
- The Shooter’s Log: concealed carry information.
- Spy & Survival Briefing: self-defense information by former CIA officer, Jason Hanson.
- The Tactical Wire: firearms and self-defense news and information.
- The Taurus Journal: firearms safety and training information.
- Thinking Man’s Corner: training concepts.
- The Truth About Guns: firearms and self-defense news and information.
- USA Carry: self-defense news.
- USCCA: self-defense education and training and the latest laws governing your right to carry.
- US Department of Homeland Security: disaster preparedness and anti-terrorism information.
- VertexPoint Solutions: emergency preparedness and personal security articles.
- Women’s Outdoor News: personal protection news.
- Worship Security: focuses on technology, training, and other techniques to protect staff, congregation, building, church school, and data from all threats.
- Worship Security Academy Weekly Church Crime Watch: a comprehensive PDF report on crimes at religious facilities across America.
[ See all the SemperVerus Directories of Helpful Resources ]

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A Treasure Trove of Gun Information: The Defensive Use of Firearms Website – SemperVerus
08/11/2024[…] Read the SemperVerus article, Directory: Informative Free Email Newsletters From a Variety of Sources […]
Self-Defense and Church Security: Proper Firearm Defense in a Crowd – SemperVerus
09/28/2024[…] Read the SemperVerus article, Directory: Informative Free Email Newsletters From a Variety of Sources […]
Interview with Matt Witte, Church Safety Consultant – SemperVerus
10/20/2024[…] Read the SemperVerus article, Directory: Informative Free Email Newsletters From a Variety of Sources […]